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Memorials to victims of the KGB have been set up in several countries that were formerly occupied by the Soviet Union , often in former KGB prisons, to document the repressions of the Soviet secret police and to commemorate its victims. Some are in the form of monuments at the location of KGB prisons or execution sites, others are museums and documentation centres. The basement floor with the cells for prisoners is open for visitors. Part of the cells, lock-ups and the corridor in the basement have been restored. The memorial, designed by artist Glebs Pantelejevs, is a half-open steel door and a commemorative plaque.

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ПОСМОТРИТЕ ВИДЕО ПО ТЕМЕ: 15 лучших мультфильмов десятилетия

San Francisco Municipal Railway fleet

With five different modes of transport from many different vendors, the San Francisco Municipal Railway or Muni as it is commonly known, runs one of the most diverse fleets of vehicles in the United States. Roughly buses diesel buses and trolleybuses , streetcars and 40 cable cars see active duty. Its fleet of electric trolleybuses is the largest in the United States. Muni is in the process of replacing its motor coach fleet - the first of which was procured in [1] - with diesel-electric hybrid buses.

A summary of the current and historic vehicles follows. All buses are accessible at all stops. All streetcars are accessible; however, some surface stops on the E and F lines, and many Muni Metro surface stops, are not accessible.

Cable cars are not accessible. Some of these coaches have been preserved in the historic fleet, donated to trolley museums, or auctioned. For the last complete fleet replacement cycle Muni bought from three manufacturers, NABI, Neoplan and Orion, all of whom no longer sell buses in the U. In December , Muni acquired a double-decker diesel bus for testing purposes, but did not purchase a revenue fleet. Because of their electric motor propulsion these buses can climb hills just as well as trolleybuses without being limited to the overhead grid.

Hybrids are also known for averaging more miles between road calls - which is where a mechanic services a transit vehicle on the street [22] - than standard diesels. In , the SFMTA Board voted to only purchase all-electric buses beginning in , with the last non-electric buses retired by Muni had no previously bought battery-electric buses BEBs because they had not been proven on steep hills and on high-ridership routes.

A small number of electric buses will be tested in Each contract has an option for up to three more BEBs. ETBs were very popular in the United States in the middle of the 20th century. Although their overhead wires are sometimes considered unsightly, ETBs are able to climb grades much steeper than conventional, non-cable streetcars and are quieter particularly when climbing hills and cleaner than diesel- or hybrid buses.

The steepest grade on the Muni trolleybus system, In , Muni tested its first ft articulated trolleybus, the New Flyer E60 , which was the first in the trolleybus fleet to have a wheelchair lift. The E60s were used on high-ridership trolleybus routes and started service in Around the turn of the twentieth century, there were numerous cable car lines providing service to many sections of the city. Some of those cable cars are built by Muni themselves.

The Muni Metro has run multiple types of light rail vehicles. However, these proved to be extremely troublesome and were phased out of service beginning in Initially, the Breda vehicles were hailed as more reliable and easier to service than their predecessors. However, deferred maintenance and design defects have taken their toll on them. Muni has expanded its fleet with new Siemens light rail vehicles; the Bredas will be replaced one-for-one starting in The first LRV4 went into revenue service on November 17, Part of a series of defense conversion projects in the waning days of the Vietnam War , the LRV was seen as both a replacement for older PCC streetcars in many cities and as a catalyst for new cities to construct light rail systems.

After the last LRV1 was retired in , Muni stored two cars and at the Cameron Beach Yard formerly the Geneva Streetcar Yard for potential restoration and preservation by the Market Street Railway , but they declined to do so and both were scrapped in April In addition, No. The cars are painted in liveries from cities around the world, as well as s-vintage Peter Witt cars from Milan.

In addition, Muni operates streetcars from around the world which were bought or donated to the transit agency. The vintage fleet is looked over by Market Street Railway but owned and operated by Muni.

This shows the active PCCs entering service or before. Most are single-ended; cars , , and are double-ended "Torpedo" cars. All of these cars were rehabilitated by Morrison-Knudsen before entering revenue service. Car original was damaged beyond repair following an accident on November 16, and it is stored awaiting scrapping. In , Muni sent , the first from the original batch of sixteen to be overhauled at Brookville Equipment Corporation.

All of these cars were purchased by Twin Cities Rapid Transit in They were sold to Newark in and ran on the Newark City Subway until replacement by modern light rail vehicles in Some of the cars were put in service in early , but were taken out of service for wiring problems. These problems were eventually repaired. All these cars are single-end cars. The following shows cars acquired by Muni in and that were restored or are in restoration and are either in service or will enter service within the next year.

The following shows the inactive 10s, PCC streetcars assigned numbers 10xx that were largely acquired by Muni in the s to which have yet to be restored.

The s series of cars were purchased in by Muni from St. Louis Public Service. These cars were retired in , with most being sold off to Tahoe Valley Lines and then went to St.

Charles, Missouri in for the planned St. Charles City Streetcar. These Peter Witt streetcars were originally in service in Milan , Italy. In the meantime, additional signs in English were added. Some of these are not in service, and even require extensive restoration. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Main article: Trolleybuses in San Francisco.

Main article: San Francisco cable car system. Main article: Muni Metro. Play media. Interurban Press. San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Agency. Archived from the original PDF on February 5, Retrieved December 25, Streetsblog San Francisco. Retrieved 17 May The San Francisco Chronicle. San Francisco Examiner. Retrieved National Trolleybus Association UK. For ! Market Street Railway. Retrieved March 31, Retrieved December 27, Retrieved 31 May Archived from the original on May 29, Archived from the original on May 31, Retrieved December 14, SF Weekly.

Retrieved November 21, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. Retrieved 3 October Pharr -- expert restorer of S. San Francisco Chronicle. July 27, Potrero View. December Balboa Press. Maryland Transit Administration. Retrieved April 6, May 15, November 5, Retrieved 13 December World Trolleybus Encyclopaedia , p. Yateley, Hampshire, UK: Trolleybooks. San Francisco MTA. Archived from the original on January 28, Retrieved December 28,

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KGB victim memorials

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Жизнь прекрасна - смотри! В среду в Нью-Йорке прошло срочное заседание Совета Безопасности ООН по просьбе Великобритании, на котором обсуждался вопрос о предполагаемом применении Россией нервно-паралитического отравляющего вещества на британской территории. Он также заявил, что трудно понять, какие мотивы могли были быть у российской стороны для совершения такого отравлеыступившая на заседании ния, вызвавшего широкий межпредставитель США при ООН дународный резонанс перед преНикки Хейли призвала Москву зидентскими выборами и Чемпиопредоставить Лондону информацию о натом мира по футболу в России. Хейли также напрямую об- Великобританию к сотрудничевинила Кремль в том, что он стоит за ству в соответствии с требованиубийством Сергея Скрипаля. Хейли отметила, что престу- явила о высылке из страны 23 пления Асада стали возможны бла- российских дипломатов. Выступая в Палате общин, Мэй подчеркнула, что ее правительство подготовит законопроект, призванный защитить Великобританию от враждебной государственной деятельности, и обдумает новые меры по борьбе со шпионажем. Мэй также решила ввести в закон о санкциях поправки по образцу закона Магницкого, позволяющие замораживать активы россиян, подозреваемых в нарушении прав человека, и приостановить все контакты на высшем уровне с Россией, в том числе отменить запланированный визит российского министра иностранных дел Сергея Лаврова.

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