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ПОСМОТРИТЕ ВИДЕО ПО ТЕМЕ: Нападение на Школу Монстров! Большой Кошмарный Риф

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About the Forum. Creativity, creative industries and cultural resources are seen as a remedy for urban development in the post-socialist economy. From idea to Implementation: urban creativity in small cities in well-defined steps. Hands-on workshops to discuss creative towns development strategies and work in smaller groups to practice different tools and methods for creative industries development. There are three groups:. Mapping cultural and creative potential in the city - how to use mapping and analysing tools to assess the local cultural and creative resources?

Workshop by Lia Ghilardi UK. Designing creative city strategy - how can arts and culture in towns and regions help local socio-economic development? Workshop by Philippe Kern Belgium. Developing creative hubs and clusters in the city - how to support emergence of creative hubs and clusters and what kind of institutions do we need to support this development?

Workshop by Lia Ghilardi. Cristina Farinha is a freelance policy expert in the culture and creative sector and associated researcher at Sociology Institute University Porto. Lia Ghilardi is the founder and director of Noema, a UK-based organization focusing on research and projects showing the value of culture in local development.

Internationally recognised as a leader in the field of cultural urban development, Lia has worked for more than twenty years with the EU, civic leaders, urban designers, architects, arts organisations and educational institutions to provide creative and integrated solutions to the challenges of place making in contemporary cities.

In the UK she is a member of a number of prestigious organisations including the Academy of Urbanism and the Royal Society for the Arts. Part of team of founders of creative enterprise Khata-Maysternya - space for holistic learning.

Co-manager of project Urban Space - social enterprise, restaurant, which will be founded by people. Currently working on cultural strategy for project Promprylad - new format for inclusive learning environments, which will combine cultural, education, urbanistic and business elements in Ivano-Frankivsk.

Luka Pikoric is a managing director and co-founder of Poligon - the first Slovenian creative centre, operating as an autonomous platform for empowerment of freelancers and communities from the fields of creative economy, social entrepreneurship and culture. Since he is focused on development and implementation of new economic models. He has co-funded Slovenia Coworking and Slovenia Crowdfunding initiatives.

As a crowdfunding expert he has consulted several Slovenian and international creatives and innovators on successfully conducting their crowdfunding campaigns.

He lectures about crowdfunding, coworking and creative economies at numerous conferences and faculties in Slovenia and abroad. He is a merited artist of the Republic of Moldova. His activities also include acting and film production. Cities are the engines of the economy.

The performing arts play an important role in attracting people : for instance, 9. Museums are key in making visual arts available to all citizens. Europe is a key cultural tourism destination, with a large number of major cultural sites and a strong flow of culturally motivated international and domestic visitors.

Tartu is the second largest city in Estonia. Amongst small and medium-sized cities, Tartu is an early a dopter of CCI support. Tartu was chosen as the location for the first Centre for Creative Industries in Estonia. At the beginning of this initiative, the key challenges were clearly about capacity building at local level and expanding creative industries in this area to attain a critical mass. Another local concern was to create a business-friendly environment for young talents to stay after their studies.

TCCI has already achieved measurable results: more than companies have been incubated since the project was launched. TCCI has also managed to cement a strong local community, and alumni companies provide useful assistance to newly incubated businesses.

The original idea was to create micro-districts-small residential areas - that would be separated from each other by grasslands or small forests. As in other post-Soviet cities, most cultural activities, events and entertainment in Vilnius are concentrated in the city centre.

This causes low economic vitality , social isolation and l imited cultural activity of local residents, from children to the elderly. Since its opening, BEEpart is home to an increasing number of activities. Every week around creative or educational workshops and 60 events take place in BEEpart. At the same time, the audience of the BEEpositive festival grew from 1, to 2, between and Its economic activities have a strong industrial basis U.

Culture has become a major development priority at city and regional levels and the European Capital of Culture ECOC title in certainly acted as a real catalyst.

Much of the focus is on economic restructuring and tourism, as well as attracting and retaining talent. The city commissioned a Creative City Masterplan and Manifesto in , which provided a development agenda for the long-term role of culture and creativity in city development.

Through numerous events and activities as well as conferences and seminars, they have succeeded in attracting different audiences. Learn more cases. The Republic of Moldova does not have an actual Strategy for development of the creative sectors, which would define directions of development and support mechanisms by the state.

At the same time, the voices of cultural actors and of professionals are not always heard, not necessarily because of the indifference of the authorities, but especially in the absence of a functional communication mechanism.

An important step in this regard would be to create communication and collaboration platforms which would mediate dialogue between different stakeholders. Moldova has a rich tangible and intangible cultural heritage, representing a solid basis for further development. Nevertheless, various voices refer to its limited possibilities of use, especially in relation to the needs of a modern society.

From the perspective of an adaptive reuse of existing resources, especially in the case of the built assets, the access to heritage is rather limited. Various reasons can be mentioned, starting from a deficient legal and administrative system which does not allow the use of the state-owned property by the civil sector, and ending with lack of experience and vision from the cultural actors. In this sense, the experience of policy-making and practices in the field of cultural heritage in other countries of the Eastern Partnership can be extremely useful.

Creation of a communication platform between policy-makers, cultural actors and target-groups, responsible for facilitation of the dialogue among stakeholders. Enhancement of supporting financial mechanisms for NGOs and artists revision of the eligibility criteria for grants for cultural projects , adjustment of the current funding system in order to increase efficiency and sustainability.

Elaboration of supporting policies financial, capacity building, offering of available spaces for creative sectors and for stimulating cooperation between artists.

Enhancement of the inter-institutional cooperation, including between central and local authorities, for reducing bureaucracy and for accelerating the implementation of civic creative initiatives. Modernization of the artistic education system according international trends and practices. Increasing collaboration and exchange of international experience in educational institutions.

Encouraging and increasing collaboration between authorities and the creative sector for improving the public space and the quality of urban life, support of artistic initiatives in the public space. Enhancement of the existing urban infrastructure for stimulating open-air cultural events and for night life animation associated with complementary measures such as enhancement of public spaces and mobility policies.

Measures of control over the process of distribution of the cultural product, in order to ensure copyright protection, fiscal evidence and reduce piracy.

Increase of international cooperation between representatives of the creative sector for exchange of experience and elaboration of joint projects. Creating a Creative Council to take over the role of facilitator between various stakeholders is a relatively new concept in the Moldovan cultural public space, supported by most of the local cultural leaders.

This could represent a first step in improving the problems faced by the creative sectors and an effective method to popularize alternative cultural initiatives. Cities in Europe Facts and figures on cities and urban areas. Cultural times. The first global map of cultural and creative industries.

December Creating growth. Measuring cultural and creative markets in the EU. Recommendations for developing creative cities in Moldova. The event was addressed to a task force composed from representatives of different sectors: policy-makers, non-governmental organizations, small business and individual performers who work with visual arts, design, architecture, urban planning and heritage.

The main purpose of the launching event was identification of main challenges met by the cultural sector locally, and proposing solutions in terms of policies and concrete actions. During the Launching event, the participants had the opportunity to discuss and analyze on the basis of cultural initiatives across EU, how cultural and creative industries can boost up innovation and development in Moldova.

Discussions in three parallel working groups were organized on specific topics:. Focusing on theoretical concepts and practical case studies, the main purpose of the discussion was to contribute to the debate rather than to provide rigid prescriptions and concrete solutions. In this regard, the participation of various actors of different ages and fields of activity is an advantage.

At the same time, addressing culture and creativity as an important element for sustainable urban development is an important step for better awareness among stakeholders and for introducing the subject on the agenda. Limitations of the exercise. The event took place within specific time constraints which only allowed partial tackling of the existing issues. However, further consultations and discussions have led to the identification of many other less obvious aspects, that constitute significant added value for formulating recommendations and for decision making.

Some of the moderators invoked a general passivity of the public, most likely arising from the low interest of cultural actors to the related policies, which suggests deeper issues, such as an obvious disconnection between cultural actors and policy-makers.

In this context, animating the debate was one of the main challenges of the exercise. Key elements. Regardless of the subject of the three parallel sessions, the following subjects of concern were addressed:. The relationship between cultural actors and cultural consumers: which are the main limitations of cultural manifestations and how can the general public be stimulated to consume more culture?

The relationship between cultural actors and policy-makers: to what extent the needs of the creative sectors are met and which are the possible ways of improvement? Education in culture and in related areas: does it correspond to the current needs of the market economy? While the above-listed categories can be extremely extensive, concrete examples and situations from everyday life perfectly illustrate weaknesses and limitations met by the local creative sector and possible measures of improvement.

Main challenges. The direct involvement and participation of the civil society is an important aspect, shaping the evolution of the creative sector. Whether they are participants in the process or simple consumers, the civil sector is the main target group for whom the cultural product is developed.

Among the most frequently mentioned issues met by the creative sector are:. Poor availability of properly equipped spaces, including open spaces, for elaboration and exposure of the cultural product.

The problem of artistic education, which in most cases is outdated and no longer meets the requirements of the market economy.

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Школа Монстров: Большой Кошмарный Риф

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This time she explains two features of pronunciation that help create the sound of American English -- linking and blending. BAKER: "Linking refers to the situation where you have a word that ends in a consonant and the next word starts with a vowel. So we run them together and they sound like one word. BAKER: "There you go, and it would be very confusing for someone learning English to try to tell those two things apart. Now, linking also occurs when you have words that end in vowels and the next word begins with a vowel. And you know you can tell how normal it is when you hear it done unnaturally. I went to a choir rehearsal to hear this big professional choir rehearsing. BAKER: "He told them to sing it that way, because he wanted the audience to be able to make out every word.

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У них нет официального специального названия, только общий артикул, N , и некоторые общие признаки: куклы в них одеты в свою "школьную форму", то есть обычные наряды из очередного сезона мультфильма, в комплекте обязательно есть дневник и иногда - питомец. В пятницу, 13 сентября г. В пятницу, го февраля г.

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