Автоботы часть 1

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ПОСМОТРИТЕ ВИДЕО ПО ТЕМЕ: Трансформеры начало Transformers War for Cybertron Игрофильм прохождение без комментариев фантастика

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Introduction to Part III. By the expressions, "the face of an ox," "the face of a lion," "the face of an eagle" Ezek, i. This interpretation can be supported by two proofs. He thus clearly indicates that the terms "the face of an ox" and "the face of a cherub" are identical. But cherub designates "a youth.

What we intended to explain is now clear. Their feet are straight that is to say, they are without joints. This is the meaning of the phrase "a straight foot," taken literally. Similarly our Sages say, the words, "And their feet were straight feet" ibid. Note this likewise. The feet are round, for the prophet says, "like the sole of a round foot.

Consider the expression "above" employed here, although the bodies were closely joined, their faces and their wings were separated, but only above.

The prophet then states that they are transparent; they are "like burnished brass" ibid. He also adds that they are luminous.

This is repeated several times with the same velocity. This quick movement and return the Hayyah does not perform of its own accord, but through something outside of it, viz.

Jonathan, the son of Uzziel, gives a similar explanation: Towards the place whither it is the will to go, they go; they do not turn when they go. The employment of the future tense of the verbs yihyeh and yeleku in this passage seems to imply that sometimes it will be the will of God that the Hayyah should move in one direction, in which it will in fact move, and at other times it will be His will that the Hayyah should move in the opposite direction, in which it will then move.

An explanation is, however, added, which is contrary to this conclusion, and shows that the future form yihyeh of the verb has here the meaning of the preterite, as is frequently the case in Hebrew. Note this wonderful interpretation. This body, which is connected with the earth, consists likewise of four bodies, and has also four faces.

But no distinct form is ascribed to it: neither that of man nor that of any other living being. The [four bodies] are described as great, tremendous, and terrible; no form is given to them, except that they are covered with eyes. These are the bodies called Ofannim lit. But he continues--"The appearance of the Ofannim wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness" ver. By speaking of four Ofannim, after having mentioned only one Ofan, the prophet indicates that the "four faces" and the "four Ofannim" are identical.

These four Ofannim have the same form; comp. So much for the form of the Ofannim. Their motion is described as being without curvature and deviation; as being straight, without any change. This is expressed in the words, "When they went, they went upon their four sides: and they turned not when they went" Ezek.

I ver. And the cause of this is explained thus"The spirit of the Hayyah was in the Ofannim" ibid. This order is expressed in the words, "Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was the spirit to go; and the Ofannim were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the Hayyah was in the Ofannim" ver. This is the whole account of what the prophet perceived at first at the river Chebar. WHEN Ezekiel recalled to memory the form of the Chariot, which he described in the beginning of the book, the same vision presented itself to him a second time; in this vision he was borne to Jerusalem.

He explains in describing it things which have not been made clear at first, e. He says, therefore: "Where the cherubims went, the Ofannim went by them: and when the cherubims lifted up their wings to mount up from the earth, the same Ofannim also turned not from beside them" x. By these words he shows how closely connected the two motions are [viz. The prophet adds, "This is the Hayyah that I saw under the God of Israel by the river of Chebar: and I knew that they were cherubims" ver.

A second point is then made clear in this second description, namely, that the Ofannim are spherical; for the prophet says, "As for the Ofannim, it was cried unto them in my hearing, O sphere" ver. A third point concerning the Ofannim is illustrated here in the following words: "To the place whither the head looked they followed it: they turned not as they went" ver. The motion of the Ofannim is thus described as involuntary, and directed "to the place whither the head looketh"; and of this it is stated that it moves "whither the spirit is to go" i.

A fourth point is added concerning the Ofannim, namely, "And the Ofannim were full of eyes round about, even the Ofannim that they four had" x. This has not been mentioned before.

In this second description there are further mentioned" their flesh, and their backs, and their hands, and their wings" ibid. Though they are endowed in the second account with flesh, hands, and wings, no form is given to them. In the second account each Ofan is attributed to a cherub, "one Ofan by one cherub, and another Ofan by another cherub.

Also the Ofannim, though being four in number, as has been mentioned, are called "one ofan upon the earth" ver.

IT is necessary to call your attention to an idea expressed by Jonathan, the son of Uzziel. When he saw that the prophet says in reference to the Ofannim, "It was cried unto them in my hearing, O gilgal" "sphere" x.

Following, however, his interpretation, he explains the terms erez, employed here as denoting the inner surface of the heavenly sphere, which may be considered as erez "earth" or "below" , in relation to all that is above that surface. I think that he gave this explanation because he thought that gilgal denotes in its original meaning "heaven. The poll of the head, being round, is therefore called gulgolet; and because everything round rolls easily, every spherical thing is called gilgal; also the heavens are called gilgallim on account of their spherical form.

Thus our Sages use the phrase, "It is a wheel gilgal that moves round the world"; and a wooden ball, whether small or large, is called gilgal. If so, the prophet merely intended by the words, "As for the Ofannim, it is cried to them in my hearing, O sphere" gilgal , to indicate the shape of the Ofannim, as nothing has been mentioned before respecting their form and shape; but he did not mean to say that the Ofannim are the same as the heavens. The term "like tarshish" is explained in the second account, in which it is said of the Ofannim: "And the appearance of the Ofannim was like the colour of tarshish.

Note this. You will not find it strange that I mention the explanation of Jonathan, son of Uzziel, whilst I gave a different explanation myself: for you will find many of the wise men and the commentators differ sometimes from him in the interpretation of words and in many things respecting the prophets. Why should it be otherwise in these profound matters? Besides, I do not decide in favour of my interpretation. It is for you to learn both--the whole of his explanation, from what I have pointed out to you, and also my own opinion.

God knoweth which of the two explanations is in accordance with that which the prophet intended to say. IT is necessary to notice that the plural marot elohim, "visions of God," is here used, and not the singular mareh, "vision," for there were several things, of different kinds, that were perceived by the prophet.

The description of each of these visions is introduced by the word va-ereh, "and I beheld. The word va-ereh, "and I beheld," only occurs these three times in the description of the Mercabah. The doctors of the Mishnah have already explained this fact, and my attention was called to it by their remarks. The exact words of the discussion are as followsWhere does maaseh mercabhah end? There is a difference of opinion among our Sages whether it is permitted to give by way of hints an exposition of any part of this third vision, or whether it is prohibited even to teach of it the heads of the sections, so that only the wise can arrive at understanding it by their own studies.

You will also notice a difference of opinion among our Sages in reference to the two first visions, viz. You must also notice the order of these three visions. The cause of this arrangement is, that in study the first two must necessarily precede the third, and in fact they lead to it.

THE sublime and great subject which Ezekiel by prophetic impulse began to teach us in the description of the Mercabah, is exactly the same which Isaiah taught us in general outlines, because he did not require all the detail. Isaiah says, "I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.

Above it stood seraphim," etc. Our Sages have already stated all this clearly, and called our attention to it. For they say that the vision of Ezekiel is the same as that of Isaiah, and illustrate their view by the following simileTwo men saw the king riding, the one a townsman, the other a countryman.

The generation of the Babylonian exile wanted to learn all the details. It is, however, possible that the author of this saying held Isaiah as more perfect than Ezekiel, so that the vision might have overawed Ezekiel and appeared fearful to him; but Isaiah was so familiar with it that he did not consider it necessary to communicate it to others as a new thing, especially as it was well known to the intelligent.

ONE Of the points that require investigation is the connexion between the vision of the mercabah and the year, month, and day, and also the place of the vision. A reason must be found for this connexion, and we must not think that it is an indifferent element in the vision. We must consider the words, "the heavens were opened" Ezek.

The figure of opening, also that of opening the gates, occurs frequently in the books of the prophets: e. There are many other instances of this kind.

You must further notice that the whole description refers undoubtedly to a prophetic vision, as it is said, "And the hand of the Lord was there upon him" Ezek.

In all these instances the word "likeness" is used, whilst in the account of the Ofannim the phrases, "the likeness of Ofannim," the "likeness of an Ofan," are not employed, but they are described in a positive manner as beings in actual existence, with their real properties.

The sentence "they four had one likeness" must not mislead you, for here the word "likeness" is not used in the same connexion or in the same sense as indicated above. In the description of the last vision the prophet confirms and explains this view. When he commences to describe the firmament in detail, he says, "the firmament," without adding the words "the likeness of," for he says, "And I looked, and behold, in the firmament that was above the head of the cherubim there appeared over them as it were a sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness of a throne" x.

But, as regards the throne, he says, "the likeness of a throne appeared over them," in order to indicate that the firmament was first perceived and then the likeness of the throne was seen over it. Consider this well. Here "form" tabnit is used instead of "likeness" demut ; and the hands are placed under the wings. He further says, "As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about.

This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory," etc. The substance and true essence of the bow described here is well known. The simile and comparison is in this case very extraordinary, and is undoubtedly part of the prophecy; and note it well. Now consider how they clearly stated that the divided likeness of man over the throne does not represent God, who is above the whole chariot, but represents a part of the creation. The prophet likewise says "that is the likeness of the glory of the Lord"; but "the glory of the Lord" is different from "the Lord" Himself, as has been shown by us several times.

All the figures in this vision refer to the glory of the Lord, to the chariot, and not to Him who rides upon the chariot; for God cannot be compared to anything. I have thus given you also in this chapter as much of the heads of the sections as will be useful to you for the comprehension of this subject, if you fill out [the sections of] these heads.

Трансформеры 1-3 часть

Предупреждая негодование и топанье ногами в адрес стиля изложения. Ибо дай тему языком учебника — многие заснут не дочитав до конца. Тема на которую действительно стоит обратить внимание! Частей будет несколько. Вся химическая подоплека шняги, про которую я накропал в предыдущих темах, несмотря на разные фичи, входящих в нее препаратов, одинакова. Одинакова же оная тем, что ее действие основано на таком процессе, как медиация.

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Я пересмотрела все фильмы трансформеров. Я не дохожу до фанатизма, но мне нравятся такие жанры! Да, сюжет основной изъеден - роботы, бойни, приключения, но не смотря на это мне вполне нравятся спецэффекты, которые идут в ногу со временем и совершенствуют повествование фильма, которое как могут так и придумывают новое. Произведение этого фильма, я так думаю, не было бы таковым если бы просто не было реального интересно людям, а раз нравится и на такие фильмы есть спрос - то почему бы и не снимать вот такие фильмы. К тому же - где бы я увидела такие красивые машины и как красиво создана бугатти! Я прекрасно понимаю, что фильм закручен в основном на монументальных взрывах, разрушениях и спасениях жизней, но хоть сказку посмотреть то хочется! Она же интересная и мне нравится такой вот жанр.

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Автоботы часть 1

Однако по прибытии на место драки им удалось обнаружить лишь обломок рога Клиффджампера. Вместе с Джеком она помчалась по городу, после чего попыталась отделаться от напуганного паренька, однако, получив приказ Старскрима уничтожить и автобота, и человека, вехиконы разделились, и Арси пришлось выручать мальчика. Когда враги открыли огонь, на помощь пришёл Бамблби. Оба с удивлением наблюдали трансформацию Арси и вехиконов, после чего поспешили найти укрытие.

Человечество в опасности, злые роботы-десептиконы хотят возобновить свою власть во Вселенной и захватить Землю.

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Арси (Вселенная фильмов)

Бамблби англ. Bumblebee — автобот , воин и разведчик в отряде Оптимуса Прайма. Разведчик автоботов. По меркам трансформеров, Бамблби ещё очень молод, но отважно сражается с десептиконами, совершенствуя своё боевое мастерство и набираясь сил; в финале сериала ему удаётся одолеть самого Мегатрона. Во время войны Бамблби попал в плен к десептиконам , и его привели к Мегатрону на допрос.

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Трансформеры События фильма описывают масштабное противостояние внеземных рас, которые выбрали для поля битвы планету Земля. На голубом шаре они преследуют единственную цель - захватить некую "Искру Жизни", которая поможет одержать верх над противником и восстановить баланс во вселенной.

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Является частью объединённой вселенной. Трансляция первых двух эпизодов состоялся 26 ноября года на американском телеканале Hub Network , официальный показ начался 29 ноября. Прошло три года с тех пор, как провалилась очередная попытка Мегатрона установить свою власть над всей Галактикой. Автоботы уверены, что опасность миновала; тем не менее, на Земле по-прежнему несёт вахту небольшая группа защитников под руководством Оптимуса Прайма [2]. Автоботы опять вынуждены взяться за оружие. Некоторые герои также приобрели абсолютно новый облик, отличный и от фильма, и от сериала Старскрим, Арси, Саундвейв, Лазербик, Предакинг.

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  1. Гостомысл

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    познавательная тема

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  4. Маргарита

    Очень ценная фраза
