Voltron legendary defender ficbook

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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: Voltron: Legendary Defender - BELIEVER - AMV

Voltron: Legendary Defender

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Exclusive Voltron: Legendary Defender Clip

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. It was clear no amount of vivid animation, action or fantasy storytelling — the bedrock of the series from Avatar: The Last Airbender veterans Lauren montgomery and Joaquim Dos Santos — was going to calm the storm. Voltron managed to maintain much of its distinctive spirit in the final season by reveling in the quotidian. Slav, a genius character known for annoying the hell out of anyone he talks to, has plenty of funny quips and rewarding moments in the final season as well.

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Netflix revives the five lions that turn into one giant robot for a new generation, or old dudes who want to feel young again. Voltron: Legendary Defender. When does it premiere? All 13 episodes stream on Netflix starting on Friday 10 June. Since Hollywood can no longer create original products, this is a remake of the most popular cartoon of Just as in the original, five young men go to an alien planet and each pilots a different colored mechanical lion. And you wonder why this ever appealed to small boys? There was a sequel that aired on Nicktoons in , but it was canceled after one season due to poor ratings. What happens in the first episode?

Keith Voltron Art

voltron legendary defender ficbook

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Voltron: Legendary Defender – cartoon reboot deserves a hero’s welcome

You may not be able to teach an old dog new tricks, but you can certainly do so with a series about transforming robots and an intergalactic battle against fascism—as long as you put the right people in charge. Showrunners Lauren Montgomery and Joaquim Dos Santos, known for their work on two of the most beloved shows in modern animation— Avatar: The Last Airbender and its follow-up, The Legend of Korra —brought along writers from the two series Tim Hedrick, Joshua Hamilton, and May Chan to saturate Voltron in empathy and imagination from script to screen. The serialized space wandering of Trek always benefited from casually progressive characterization, and Voltron implements the same approach, albeit for a younger audience. All of this adds up to some great mecha anime. With such a thoughtful creative team assembling this Voltron of televisual ideals, the metaphor of giant transforming robots with relatively powerless pilots—in which the potential dormant inside even the meekest soul is unlockable through teamwork—has never found a more empathetic home than that of Voltron: Legendary Defender.

Voltron: Legendary Defender feels like a return for Saturday morning cartoons

This Voltron Legendary Defender review contains spoilers. We have a spoiler free version here. Power Rangers wishes it had this level of world building. Star Wars wishes it was this funny. Every giant robot show ever wishes its action was this intense. Voltron Legendary Defender is one of the best shows of the year so far. Voltron Legendary Defender avoids the main problem that plagues so much of TV today. Ad — content continues below.

In an all-new series, five unlikely heroes and their flying robot lions unite to form the megapowerful Voltron and defend the universe from evil.

VOLTRON: LEGENDARY DEFENDER: The Bots Return in Season Two Trailer [Netflix]

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RELATED VIDEO: Voltron: Legendary Defender - Live Like Legends

Go back to the very beginning… When five pilots from Earth—Lance, Hunk, Pidge, Keith, and Shiro—discover a giant blue lion in the middle of the desert, they never imagined that they would be embarking on the most epic intergalactic adventure ever…an adventure with very high stakes. Young readers will love this retelling of the very first episode complete with color stills throughout! This paperback edition comes with a sheet of tattoos. All Rights Reserved.

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy.

How Netflix’s Voltron: Legendary Defender became an essential animated series

After the success of the first season of Voltron: Legendary Defender , fans are awaiting for the new season of the animated hit series. In the upcoming trailer, we get a few teases from the new season of Voltron: Legendary Defender as our heroes face off against Emperor Zarkon. We were left on a cliffhanger from the season finale as the group entered a wormhole leading them into an unknown place in the galaxy. The upcoming season will show us where the team has ended up as Emperor Zarkon remains on their tail in his vendetta to destroy them. We should expect some new worlds to be explored, new allies being made, and some new villains as the trailer teased.

Steven Yeun is an American actor with South Korean roots. He is most popularly known for his role as Glenn Rhee in the acclaimed TV series, The Walking Dead , which debuted in and is now its final season. While doing the show, he also took on a number of other projects, including some voice acting.

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