
12 Secrets ONLY Your Dog Knows About You

Your four-legged best friend might be one of the most amazing things in your life, but guess what? You’re probably way more special to him than he is to you! Have you ever considered that your dog might know more about you than you ever anticipated?
Today, we’re going to tell you all about the awesome ways you’re also your dog’s best friend. Here are 12 secrets only your dog knows about you – let’s get started!

12) He knows when you’ll be back
Dogs are smarter than we give them credit for! Not only are they great at sensing the emotions of other dogs, but their human owners aren’t any less special. Can you believe your dog knows exactly when you’ll be back even if you haven’t made any extra efforts to make him remember it? A study conducted in the 90s using time-stamped cameras proved that a dog would wait no more than 11 seconds every day after his owner got into a taxi on her way home. Too precise to be just a coincidence, no? So, the next time you feel down at work, just remember there’s someone anxiously waiting for you to return back home!

11) Got a medical condition? Your dog probably knows it
This one might sound a bit weird to you at first, but it’s a proven fact. Your dog is literally capable of saving your life by sensing certain medical conditions before it’s too late!
It’s actually not all that surprising when you think of all the wholesome stories on the internet about dogs correctly predicting seizures, cardiac arrests, and even hypoglycemia in their owners and getting them help before things get out of control. If that’s not impressive enough, dogs are also known to be able to detect cancer and migraines in their beloved owners!

10) He knows when to protect you
Do you relate to that super defensive feeling you get every time someone says anything about your dog or threatens its safety in any way? Well – you’re not the only one here. Turns out, your dog feels just as equally protective of you! If he senses that someone’s about to hurt you in any capacity, chances are that it feels as strongly about the situation as it would if it were his food or litter of pups in place of a human being. So yeah, if a dog considers you family, you can certainly rely on it to have your back no matter what!

9) They can even tell when you’re pregnant!
So pregnancy is definitely a vulnerable and emotionally taxing time for any woman, and if there’s one thing she needs, it’s that extra bit of love, care, and protection. And a dog is just the perfect pet to have around in such situations! According to several animal behavior experts, dogs can sense the hormonal changes a woman goes through during pregnancy. As a result, they end up being more protective and loving than usual! Who knew dogs had more empathy than most humans out there.

8) Your absolute worst dance moves? He knows them by heart
What is the weirdest thing you do when you’re home alone? Something so embarrassing that you can’t possibly fathom doing in front of anyone else? Dancing to an 80s power ballad? Pretending you’re on American Idol? The list is limitless, and many of us would rather keep these things private. Unless, of course, it’s your four-legged best friend who’s around!
The truth is, your dog has probably seen you at your best and your worst. In fact, it might have joined along with you when you were pretending to be Kevin Bacon in Footloose!
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