
Charming (2018) Film Explained in Hindi/Urdu Summarized

Charming (2018) Animated movie explained in Hindi Urdu. The American Fantasy animation film “Charming” story summarized with a complete ending explanation. The plot of this movie is about a prince named Charming who saves Snow White, finds Cinderella's shoes, and even awakens the sleeping beauty. Charming was named by his father, and when the king asked him why the villagers started hating him, the Prince replied, "What's my fault?" I am cursed. His father tells him that he was liked by a girl who was his best friend, but he didn't like her and married his mother, which means the queen. His best friend had been teaching him black magic in order to harm the king and his family. His father tells him that when he was a child, a charm bag burst inside him, which is why the girls were mad behind him in his love. His father tells him that he must break the curse before the age of 21. There were only three days left, and he needed to go to the fire mountain to find his true love. He'll have a lot of problems because every girl he loves is insane. He began his quest to find his true love.

Lenore, a girl, was collapsed with him, and he fell in love with him at first sight. Later, Lenore joins him while changing her clothes because the princesses guardians have assigned her the task of safely transporting Prince to the fire mountain. The prince is dealing with a slew of issues. Even the witch saw them and tried to harm them in various ways, but they escaped. Charming, the prince, fell in love with Lenore, and Lenore feels the same way. He who saw this devises a scheme to make Lenore despise Prince Charming. She does the same, and Lemore is upset. She walks away.

In the end, prince charming writes a letter to the girls and commits suicide. Lenore's bird also brings her a letter, and she believes the prince has realized his error. He rushes to save Charming, and she saves him by cutting the rope with an arrow. Finally, the witch also disappears while telling Lenore that she has also cursed her, but Lenore kisses Charming and the curse is lifted. Years later, they are shown making a portrait of themselves as the King and Queen, and this is the ending of the movie.

Disclaimer: Because it falls under the fantasy animation category, all of the content presented in this video is solely for family audience and is appropriate for all ages. It is not only created for a younger audience, but mostly teens and adults enjoy it. Also, all footage belongs to their respective owners; we simply used it after highly editing with our own commentary under fair use.
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