
Five Little Cars Go Swimming | Learn Colors | Kids Cartoon | Funny Kids Songs | Cartoons | BabyBus

Enjoy Five Little Cars Go Swimming Song and learn colors with the little cars family!

Five little cars going swimming
Getting ready and jumping in
And one little car says
The little car is red red red
Red, red
Red, red
The little car is
Red, red, red

Four little cars going swimming
Getting ready and jumping in
And one little car says
The little car is yellow yellow
Yellow, yellow
Yellow, yellow
The little car is
Yellow, yellow

Three little cars going swimming
Getting ready and jumping in
And one little car says
The little car is green green green
Green, green
Green, green
The little car is
Green, green, green

Two little cars going swimming
Getting ready and jumping in
And one little car says
The little car is blue blue blue
Blue, blue
Blue, blue
The little car is
Blue, blue, blue

One little car going swimming
Getting ready and jumping in
And Four little cars say
Where is he?
Then showed up a little white car
It’s you, Oppie !

Red, red
Yellow, yellow
Green, green
Blue, blue
White, white
Five little cars
All shining bright

Enjoy watching BabyBus songs and cartoons!
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