
zy0x manifests asianguystream wisdom to get the absolute best artifact rolls ever seen

clip taken from today's Twitch livestream. Nick uses the power of friendship & anime to call forth the sage wisdom of Asianguystream, aka Atsu, to help him guarantee the absolute best sub stat rolls you could ever hope for on an artifact. such a marvelous friend Atsu is, what a gigachad homie. if you ever feel sad about your artifacts, why not try praying to Asianguystream so he may bless your artifacts with phenomenal sub stats? thank you to zy0x for providing the stream footage, all credit & ownership goes to him.

Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/zy0xxx
Twitch VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1285274265
original clip: video was too long for me to grab a single Twitch clip of, however the timestamp for the VOD is approximately 3:10:00 & ends at around 3:13:00.
Twitter profile: https://twitter.com/Zy0x_
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Zy0xxx
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